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10 MMA Welding Processes Flaws And Megmeet’s Solutions

MMA welding, also known as Manual Metal Arc Welding or Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), is a widely used welding process that relies on a consumable electrode coated in flux. It offers versatility, and simplicity, and can be performed in various positions. However, like any welding process, MMA welding has its share of flaws that can affect the quality, integrity, and efficiency of welds. 

In this article, we will explore the 10 common flaws associated with MMA welding processes, discuss their causes, and provide effective solutions based on the Megmeet welding industry experience and knowledge. Whether you're new to MMA welding or an experienced welder, understanding these flaws can help you achieve better results, improve productivity, and ensure the long-term strength and reliability of your welds.


Flaw 1: Inconsistent Arc Length.

Flaw 2: Lack of Penetration.

Flaw 3: Excessive Penetration.

Flaw 4: Porosity.

Flaw 5: Slag Inclusions.

Flaw 6: Undercutting.

Flaw 7: Incomplete Fusion.

Flaw 8: Distortion.

Flaw 9: Electrode Sticking.

Flaw 10: Lack of Automation and Robotics.

Flaw 1: Inconsistent Arc Length:

The first flaw in MMA welding is an inconsistent arc length. It occurs when the distance between the electrode and the workpiece fluctuates during the welding process. This flaw leads to irregular bead shapes, poor fusion, and increased spatter.

Megmeet’s Solution: Megmeet MMA Welding Machines (Such as MetaTIG series ACDC/DC welders, Ehave-2 CM Welder Series, Ehave CM Welder Series, and Artsen CM500C Welder Series) are equipped with precise arc control systems that ensure a stable and consistent arc length throughout the welding process. This feature eliminates fluctuations and guarantees uniform bead shapes, improved fusion, and reduced spatter.

Flaw 2: Lack of Penetration:

Insufficient penetration is a common flaw in MMA welding. It results in weak welds with reduced strength. Causes include improper current setting, incorrect electrode angle, or excessively long arc length.

Megmeet’s Solution: With Megmeet MMA Welding Machines, welders can benefit from accurate current control, allowing for precise adjustment to achieve optimal penetration. The machines provide real-time monitoring and adjustment capabilities, ensuring welds with sufficient penetration for superior strength. Additionally, cleaning the work surface properly before welding can help improve penetration.

Flaw 3: Excessive Penetration:

Contrary to the previous flaw, excessive penetration occurs when the welder achieves more penetration than required. It leads to burn-through, and distortion, and can compromise the integrity of the joint.

Megmeet’s Solution: Megmeet MMA Welders offer current modulation capabilities, allowing welders to precisely control the heat input and prevent excessive penetration. By maintaining the desired current levels, welders can avoid burn-through and distortion while achieving consistent and controlled penetration.

Flaw 4: Porosity:

Porosity refers to the presence of gas pockets within the weld. It weakens the joint and reduces its resistance to cracking. Porosity is commonly caused by improper shielding gas coverage, contaminated electrodes, or inadequate surface preparation.

Megmeet’s Solution: To address porosity issues, Megmeet MMA Welding Machines feature advanced shielding gas management systems. These systems ensure proper gas coverage, preventing contamination and minimizing the risk of porosity. Additionally, the machines provide effective electrode drying functions to eliminate moisture and further enhance weld quality.

Flaw 5: Slag Inclusions:

Slag inclusions occur when the flux residue becomes trapped within the weld. This flaw weakens the joint and compromises its integrity. Slag inclusions are often caused by inadequate slag removal, improper electrode manipulation, or insufficient cleaning between weld passes.

Megmeet’s Solution: Megmeet MMA Welding Machines incorporate intelligent slag removal mechanisms that facilitate efficient and thorough slag removal between weld passes. This feature minimizes the likelihood of slag inclusions and improves the integrity of the weld joint. In addition, ensuring adequate cleaning and inspection during and after welding can minimize slag inclusions.

Flaw 6: Undercutting:

Undercutting is the groove formed at the weld toe due to the melting of the base metal. It weakens the joint and can lead to stress concentration and cracking. Undercutting is commonly caused by excessive current, improper electrode angle, or high travel speed.

Megmeet’s Solution: By utilizing precise current control and adjustable arc parameters, Megmeet MMA Welding Equipment enables welders to achieve the optimal balance between heat input and base metal melting. This helps reduce undercutting and promotes sound and well-formed welds.

Flaw 7: Incomplete Fusion:

Incomplete fusion occurs when there is a lack of fusion between the weld metal and the base metal. It weakens the joint and compromises its structural integrity. Incomplete fusion can be caused by improper welding techniques, incorrect current settings, or insufficient cleaning.

Megmeet’s Solution: Megmeet MMA Welding Machines provide real-time feedback on the welding process, allowing welders to monitor fusion and adjust parameters accordingly. With the ability to fine-tune current settings and optimize techniques, welders can overcome incomplete fusion and ensure strong and fully fused weld joints.

Flaw 8: Distortion:

Distortion refers to the deformation or bending of the welded structure due to the heat input during welding. It can cause dimensional inaccuracies and affect the overall performance of the welded component. Distortion is commonly caused by improper weld sequencing, excessive heat input, or inadequate fixturing.

Megmeet’s Solution: To minimize distortion, Megmeet MMA Welding Machines offer intelligent welding sequence planning and control features. These features help distribute heat evenly, reduce excessive heat input, and facilitate controlled cooling. As a result, welders can achieve minimal distortion and maintain the structural integrity of the welded components.

Flaw 9: Electrode Sticking:

Electrode sticking is the undesired adhesion of the electrode to the workpiece during welding. It interrupts the welding process and can lead to defects. Electrode sticking occurs due to improper technique, low current setting, or contaminated electrodes.

Megmeet’s Solution: Megmeet MMA Welding Machines employ advanced arc initiation and stability mechanisms that prevent electrode sticking. These features ensure smooth and consistent arc starts, eliminating the interruption caused by electrode sticking and enabling uninterrupted welding operations.

Flaw 10: Lack of Automation and Robotics:

The final flaw in MMA welding processes is the lack of automation and robotics integration. Manual welding is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and limits productivity and consistency.

Megmeet’s Solution: Megmeet recognizes the importance of automation and robotics in enhancing welding efficiency and productivity. Megmeet offers a range of automated MMA welding power sources that support MMA welding and welding robot system connection. By adopting these advanced systems, welders can achieve higher throughput, improved consistency, and reduced labor costs.


While MMA welding offers versatility and simplicity, it is not without its flaws. By understanding and addressing these common flaws with Megmeet MMA Welding Machines, welders can improve their welding processes, achieve higher-quality welds, and ensure the integrity and strength of their joints. By investing in Megmeet's cutting-edge solutions, welders can elevate their welding capabilities, meet industry demands, and stay ahead in the competitive welding landscape.


Contact Megmeet Welding Technology to buy ideal MMA welding machines and achieve superior welding results. If you want to learn welding tips or welding solutions, you can collect Megmeet News Center Page or follow our Linkedin page.