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The Most Complete TIG Welding Basics

Whether for TIG welding learning or TIG welding troubleshooting, learning more TIG welding basics and TIG welding tips will be good for your welding efficiency. The following summarized the most completed TIG welding guidance for welders to grasp useful welding knowledge quickly.


I. What is Tungsten Inert Gas (GTAW or TIG) Welding?

II. What are the Pros and Cons of TIG Welding?

III. How to select a TIG Welding Equipment?

IV. What are TIG Welding Precautions?

V. What Tips and Tricks for TIG Welding?

I. What is Tungsten Inert Gas (GTAW or TIG) Welding?

Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding, also known as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), is a sub-type of gas metal arc welding (GMAW). TIG welding welds with a non-consumable tungsten electrode to heat the metal being welded and uses the shielding gas such as argon to protect the weld puddle from airborne contaminants. 

TIG welding caught the public’s eye in the 1940s for welding magnesium and aluminum in the Californian aerospace industry. Due to its versatility, cleanliness, and minimal finishing requirements, TIG welding has grown more popular.


TIG welding is suitable for welding many different metals, and the welding results are really amazing, but the welding technique is not so easy to learn and master. If you are eager to grasp TIG welding tips, just continue to read the following content.

II. What are the Pros and Cons of TIG Welding?

Whichever welding process, there are pros and cons of it. The following table shows the advantages and disadvantages of TIG Welding.



Welding material:

Able to weld more metals and alloys than any other welding process, such as steel, stainless steel, Chromoly, aluminum, nickel alloys, magnesium, copper, brass, bronze, and even gold, and can be used to weld everything from bike frames to door handles to automotive parts.

Unable to weld thicker sheets of metal

Welding process:

Cleaner welding process with no sparks and spatter while welding and no flux or slag to clip off between passes.

The welding processes are more complicated and time-consuming, thus the welders shall be expert and skillful enough.

Welding position:

TIG welding can be operated in all positions - flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead, thus is perfect for welding roll cages or inside confined areas

Welding safety:

Use shielding gas. Argon can be used for all TIG applications, for all metals and thicknesses. This streamlines gas maintenance in the shop or manufacturing facility.

Welders are exposed to high-intensity light for a long time which can cause eye damage

Welding cost:

High-cost performance.

High initial costs.

Welding results:

No need for post-welding cleaning, but the welds are clean and of high quality.

Not as productive as MIG welding.

III. How to select a TIG Welding Equipment?

To achieve good TIG welding results, the selection of a TIG welder is critical. It’s much more challenging to select a TIG welder that performs differently for various applications. To buy an ideal TIG welding machine, there are some factors that should be taken into consideration.

1) Materials to be welded.

Making clear the material type to be welded is decisive in choosing the right TIG welder & welding process. TIG welding is able to weld more metals and alloys than any other process, like stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium, copper, brass, bronze, and even gold, and there are DC-only TIG welders and AC/DC TIG welders for option. In TIG welding, a DC-only TIG welder is enough for steel or stainless steel welding, but welding aluminum or multiple different materials requires an AC/DC TIG welder. Megmeet launched the MetaTIG ACDC series and MetaTIG DC series welding machine, which can meet all the TIG welding requirements of welders.

2) Thickness of the welding material.

Most welding power sources are capable of handling common material types, but for thicker materials, they have nothing to do. There are some welding machines that provide specific parameters to allow you to give more control over thick material. If your welding material is thick, you’d better notice whether the welding parameters can meet your needs. 

3) Input power & voltage.

The input power and voltage are other limitations for welder selection. Single-phase power is enough for most residential locations and small businesses, whereas three-phase power is required for industrial applications. In addition, electricity supplies vary across the UK, so it is important to know where you will be carrying it out. To know the needed supply, you can use the rule of 1 to 10. 1A in the supply means 10A out, therefore a 240A machine would need a 24A input etc.

4) High-frequency settings.

A high-frequency setting is critically important for TIG welding as it provides the ability to weld very tight joints with good penetration and without the risk of laying down too much filler metal.

5) Portability 

A welding supply source is normally used at home, factory and outdoor operation sites. As the power input is different, the weight of a TIG welder is also different. Smaller TIG welders weigh around 40-50 pounds and are relatively easy to move around, but larger TIG welding devices weigh 100 pounds and up and can only be moved with a cart.

6) TIG welder budget.

Last but not least, price plays a decisive role in determining which welder to buy. In general, the welding equipment price is in proportion to the welding machine's performance, so you must set an appropriate budget for your welder. It is not wise to compromise the price to the performance of the welder, which will reduce your welding effect or even generate cost waste.

IV. What are TIG Welding Precautions?

TIG welding contains a number of risks as with other arc welding methods due to the exposure of high heat arcs and radioactive gases. Breathing dust, gas, and smoke or exposure to harmful rays may lead to occupational diseases in the long term. If proper precautions are taken, a safe working environment can be provided.

V. What Tips and Tricks for TIG Welding?

To achieve efficient welding, you’d better follow the correct welding steps of TIG welding. Here are some welding tips and tricks for you to improve welding efficiency and guarantee welding safety.

1. Keep the working environment ventilated: a ventilated space can facilitate the circulation of fresh air, and reduce the toxicity of fumes exposure to the welder.

2. Keep the workplace dry: moisture may cause electric shock.

3. Keep the metal surfaces clean: remove impurities from metal surfaces to guarantee the welding quality.

4. Wear safety gear: welders shall wear safety gear such as helmets, aprons, gloves, goggles, jackets, sleeves, pants, and safety shoes to protect the skin and face from impending burns. 

5. Use proper TIG welding parameters: Read the manual carefully and adjust to the appropriate welding parameters based on the type of metal and electrode.

Tig welding is a welding process that can get unexpected welding results, so it requires you to spend a lot of time grasping it. Following the above suggestions will help you a lot in improving TIG welding efficiency and avoiding TIG welding mistakes. If you want to buy TIG welding equipment, you can consult us by clicking: If you want to learn more welding tips, you can collect Megmeet News Center Page or follow our Linkedin page.

Contact Megmeet Welding to get a quote!

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